70 research outputs found

    Produção de frio com energia solar

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    The contribution of Portuguese solar thermal program on the country energy efficiency

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    The solar radiation available all over the year is a strong reason to promote the utilization of this resource and during the year 2009, a new program based on a 50% subside, was promoted by the Portuguese government. As expected, a significant number of new installations were realized. In 2009 the state program provided the installation of more than 50,000 systems. The program can be considered a success on the Portuguese solar thermal collector market

    Energia solar térmica e desenvolvimento rural

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    Aplicações com concentração solar

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    Aquecimento ambiente com energia solar

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    Results of DEC Unit Assisted by Solar Energy in Lisbon

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    The Air Handling Unit (AHU) with Desiccant Evaporative Cooling (DEC) technology, assisted by solar energy, is in operation at LNEG (former INETI) since 1999, ant it has some features in its design, resulting from local constraints of the building and from design decisions taken at that time with the purpose to investigate different solutions. This unit has a conventional auxiliary back-up cooling unit, an heat pump, to assist the DEC AHU on cold production in heavy summer load conditions, that guarantees the comfort conditions of the 12 offices, but does not permit an high solar fraction in summer due to the role of its condenser. So, to limit the time operation period of the heat pump, was recently introduced a new humidifier in the air admission section. In this paper we make a description of this AHU and we report the results obtained so far after those modifications, in a qualitative way, and we begin the discussion of using the performance figures, adopted in the framework of IEA SHC Task 38, to this unit

    Technical assessment report on solar thermal energy use in cork industry : António Almeida - Cortiças S.A.

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    ABSTRACT: Nowadays, current industrial applications seek, whenever possible, to meet thermal needs on sustainable technologies that are economically viable and environmentally friendly. Despite the high potential, a number of challenges still have to be overcame. Those include maximum attainable temperatures, seasonal and daily transience in solar heat supply and its integration in the industrial processes (among others). For that purpose, the implementation of solar thermal energy into industrial applications has been recognised and addressed by IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme (established in 1977), in a number of different research studies, including those ones found in Task 33 and Task 49 (IEA, 2015a; IEA, 2015b; and IEA, 2016) supported by the International Energy Agency (IEA) agenda. In this area, a task called Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) emerges, which suggested that solar thermal systems have a significant potential in the sector, even though in an early stage of progress. This activity was led primary by the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (Fuller, 2011). General motivations to implement solar systems in cork industry include: i) economics, with respect to worldwide increasing gas prices, and ii) environmental, with respect to the carbon-dioxide footprint associated to this specific industrial sector. The main objective of this report is to assess the technical assessment of solar thermal use in the cork industry, more specifically in the António Almeida - Cortiças S.A., located in the north of Portugal. For that purpose, a close collaboration was establish with this industry through several activities namely: i) energetic audit and ii) different actions of monitoring and implementation of the Energy Consumption Rationalization Agreement (ECRA).N/

    Pre-heating boiler feedwater for expanded cork agglomerate production using a parabolic trough system

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    ABSTRACT: The production of expanded cork agglomerate involves significant heat demand, requiring superheated steam at temperatures ranging from 300°C to 370°C. The energy required to this process can be suitably provided by concentrating solar thermal collectors. This work considers the thermal energy needs of a real plant, presenting the technical and economical analysis performed for a solar heat for industrial process system using parabolic trough collectors to preheat the feedwater used by the boiler providing steam to the expanded cork agglomerate production process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On an integrated DSM package associated to a solar thermal obligation. The ProSTO EU project and the Portuguese experience

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    Based on the work that it is running within the ProSTO EU project (http://www.solarordinances.eu/), this paper presents a tentative approach to an integrated demand side measures (DSM) package that must be associated to a solar thermal obligation (STO) in a community. All the complete set of measures that must be taken to succeed will be presented. The experience shows that it is necessary to get an integrated “policy package” in the way of “zero building emissions”, around the kernel key point of clear requirements, aiming energy savings, namely for energy demand limitation, and energy efficiency of thermal installations. A parent kernel key point of this “policy package” is quality: certification of thermal solar system and components; planner, designer and installer certification; technical mandatory requirements in the regulations; mandatory guarantee (maintenance contract). All relevant documents of these quality items must be integrated in the Building Use Manual for easy management. Another kernel key point, this one with focus on overcoming barriers, is public awareness, throughout on-line information (lists of certified equipments, installers, technical description of the equipments, manual of good practices, scholar materials (class notes, computer codes, homework assignments, etc.), etc.), and the implementation of training courses for al